Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Arrow (Episode 3x11) Recap

Another Wednesday, another Arrow episode. I haven't had the greatest of days, so it's nice to sit back, relax, and enjoy one of my favorite shows. Tonight's previews set tonight's episode up to be all about Laurel's emergence of the Black Canary, something I've been very excited to see.

Emotions were felt right from the beginning, my friends. I knew that we would eventually seeing a dream like this, but at the beginning of an episode, damn, writers, you know how to pull at my heart.

Ray pressed again this episode, and every time he does, he annoys me so much. Also, the scene where he was coming on to Felicity, I'm sorry, but no. I just don't like them together. Maybe I'm bias, but still, it's just not a relationship I'm a huge fan of. I don't mind his character, though, on most occasions at least.

Roy and Laurel kicked ass. I love getting to see Roy fight on the show, he's such a great character. Also, I want to see Laurel finally tell her dad that Sara's dead because now that she's the canary, he thinks Sara's back and alive, and it's only going to set things up to end even worse than they would have before when she does tell him. I like that Laurel isn't suddenly this great fighter. She's still amateur, still learning, and Roy's helping her, keeping an eye out for her.

Thea finally stood up to Malcolm, telling him to stop bossing her around and to stop with the secrets. The fact that Roy then confronted Malcolm, telling him to leave her alone, I love that he still cares about her. She's not his responsibility, but he still would do anything to keep her safe. The reason why she even has to be afraid of Ra's is because of him.

I loved seeing Laurel and Felicity work together. They're already friends, but I think this'll let them grow even closer. They know what they're fighting for. Before they were fighting with Oliver, but just because he's gone they shouldn't stop. They need to keep fighting for what they were fighting for originally: protecting the people they love in their city. Also, the helicopter getaway... nice touch.

One thing that majorly annoyed me is the fact that they still aren't telling Quentin about Sara. They need to stop lying to Quentin all together, honestly. The more they drag out telling him about Sara, the harder it's going to be on him, especially that he now thinks she's back. It just irritates me so much. He needs to know, it's his daughter. It's going to be heartbreaking when he eventually does find out.

I got a weird vibe from Chase (the blonde guy, in case you weren't sure, since that what's people on Tumblr refer to him as) the whole episode, but I did not expect him to pick up the phone and talk another language. I figured he was up to something, but not that he was working for the League. Exactly what his character is able to relay back will be interesting.

I realized I had written this entire post and not one thing was about Oliver except the beginning scene. I liked seeing more from Maseo and Oliver. I do wish that Maseo would leave the League and go with Oliver to Starling City, as of right now it seems like he won't. Also, there was a quote by Maseo in the flashback saying that he would do anything to protect his family, which stood out to me because it paralleled Oliver. Maseo did something that nearly got him killed for his family, similar to Oliver, although Oliver did die then come back to life. They both risked everything for their families and it was a nice little parallel.

Oliver comes back next week and I am so beyond excited. I can't wait to see the reunions and it looks like there will be an awesome fight scene so I'm looking forward to it so much. I also am interested in seeing his reaction to Laurel being the canary, which I don't think will be the most supportive at first, but we'll see. I just really can't wait, I'm very excited about it. So, I'll most likely be posting something between now and the next recap, but other than that, I hope you all enjoyed the episode! And also, just a quick thank you to all of you who read my blog. It means a lot!

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